Remember the Beauty of
Being Alive

She has been whispering to you.
Are you listening?

Come to Her waters.
Lie on the solid ground beneath you.
Sink into the Earth.

Let go of everything that isn’t true,
And let your Nature emerge.

Feel Her pulse through your body,
Gushing with approval for every inch of you.

Receive Her Beauty, and the Beauty within you,
For they are one and the same.

Can you feel Her calling?

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Ancient Beauty: The Retreat

Coming in september
PNW Rainforest

Includes immersion in nature, a True Nature Group Photoshoot. You must be able to do a 7-mile hike. Bring your own gear (backpacks, water bottles, hiking gear, snacks). Group tent provided.
Travel to location is not included.

Staying at this exact camping spot!

"Feminine wisdom is not learned, it is remembered. It is the ancient knowing that stirs within each woman, calling her back to her true self." 
-chameli ardagh

Payment plans are available and encouraged.

Travel to the PNW is not included, but transportation from SEA TAC airport can be arranged.

Join the Waitlist here to stay in the loop for more information


2 pay & 4 pay



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    Work with me 1:1 in True Nature.

    Feeling this, but not ready to be Seen in group?

    Women who have said Yes